Jannis Kager Kofler - RACCONTI LOCAL PLUS #2

Jannis Kager Kofler was born in 2000 and lives in Kurtatsch, a small village in South Tyrol. He attended the Franziskanergymnasium (a high school with a strong focus on humanistic studies) in Bolzano, where he developed an interest in literature and discovered his passion for writing. His latest project is Monster, a short film for which he wrote the script. He likes stories with interesting characters who provide an intense depiction of life and human behavior, which is so often driven by irrational decisions.



›› Monster | short film | Amt für Film und Medien, Ufficio Educazione permanente, biblioteche ed audiovisivi, Amt für ladinische Kultur und Schule | writer

›› The Composer | low budget feature film | writer

›› Eremos | low budget feature film | writer




