MASO - Short Film Training Programme

Shining the spotlight on your short film: MASO – the new training programme for experienced and young filmmakers with new ideas for short films and short form series.


Ambitious and aspiring filmmakers as well as seasoned professionals can benefit from the programme. Its aim is to promote the voices and ideas of creative people and, by doing so, create a more open, colourful, and diverse film and TV landscape. MASO is a safe space to create films and, above all, aims to reach talented people from underrepresented communities and minorities. An Advisory Board comprising international short films experts will choose who makes the final cut.

MASO #2 - Short Film Training Programme

The second edition of the MASO programme, will give up to eight creative teams, sixteen participants in total, the opportunity to create their shorts under the supervision and guidance of international experts.

Applications: 9th April - 30th June 2025
Project selection: 1st July - 31st July 2025
Publication of selected projects: August 2025


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International experts will assist the participants of MASO - Short Film Training Programme while developing their ideas for short film projects.
Find out more about who will inspire participants and provide them with creative inputs to enrich the projects by reading the following section. 


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Advisory Board

The advisory board of MASO consist of 5 film professionals, who will read and evaluate the submitted projects and make the selection of the final participating 8 teams.
The elements on which the committee will assess the projects are the artistic value and feasibility of the production, it is also important to present a film without clichés and stereotypical representation. 


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Projects Archive

Thanks to MASO - Short Film Training Programme, short film creative duos (composed of one writer/director and one producer) will have the opportunity to develop their ideas in a safe space and inspiring environment. Our archive showcases all the selected projects for MASO, learn more about them in the following section.


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Renate Ranzi

Coordinator Film Location

Jasmin Schenk Vitale

Film Location