Sarah is an Italian Producer; she grew up in France, then graduated in History in Rome and started working in the financial industry between Milan and London. In 2005 she decided to move into the film business. Her company, Tico Film, was founded in Rome in 2005 investing immediately in their first film "La vera leggenda di Tony Vilar" ("The true legend of Tony Vilar") by first time Director Giuseppe Gagliardi (which premiered internationally at the Tribeca FF and in Italy at Rome FF first edition). Following this first formative success, Sarah carried on producing films with a particular interest in documentaries, mainly funded through Italian and European public Funds (MIBAC, Creative Europe, FVG Film Commission, FVG Fondo Audiovisivo, etc). In the last 10 years while living in London, she collaborated with some UK companies and took part to several international workshops (EAVE Film Finance, Raindance Film Makers Foundations, RE-Act) attending the main European Film Markets. In 2015 she opened a UK branch, Tico Media Ltd. In 2018 Sarah became sole administrator of Tico Film and also moved back to Italy (Trieste), where she is now based. In 2019 she took part to EAVE Producers Workshop / 2020 EAVE Marketing Workshop.


